Monday, May 2, 2016

Why this #millennial is voting for #Cruz2016

Living in Fly-over Land, I thought I’d let you know for whom I plan on voting in the Indiana primary tomorrow. I’m sure you are just dying to know. Based off of my age it should be Bernie Sanders, so sayeth the pot-smoking moochers I’m forced to call peers. Based off of my lady bits I should vote for Hillary Clinton, right?
However, I will be voting for Ted Cruz, the only constitutional conservative candidate running. Why, you ask?  Grab a chair and a beer while I sip some green tea and I’ll be happy to tell you.
For one, he’s from Texas. I likes me Texas men, yes I do. However, besides that, I share his views and agree with his plan of action on nearly every issue. He’s stood for protecting rights of companies as well as unborn children in cases like Hobby Lobby’s & Little Sisters of the Poor when the government attempted forcing them to provide abortion pills to employees. He’s helped slap Obama’s gun-grabbing mitts numerous times, protecting our 2A rights.
In my opinion, Cruz is a down-to-earth, humble man. While asking a worker at the Republican headquarters in Indiana how we (my mother & I) could better help Ted without spending money because we’re broke, she gave us some pointers and an insider’s view of the man himself. She said that most of the time, when a candidate comes into the headquarters, they rush through just to save face, not more than a few minutes. Ted Cruz stayed for a couple hours, personally thanking people for their hard work.
He owns these boots… and these socks.
He has patience, humility, keeps a cool head, and is beyond articulate. All of which is evident in this clip when arguing with an angry Iowan farmer (click here to view).
He likes Star Wars. The Force was strong with this one, indeed. He has a great sense of humor as seen in this sketch with Jimmy Fallon.
He is willing to stand alone and be hated by all the surrounding politicians. Not giving a damn about “yes, men” or groupies. Most of the best men in history stood alone when it counted most.
He likes Led Zeppelin. ‘Nuff said.
Loves his wife and told Trump, “Leave Heidi the hell alone.” 

That filibuster in 2013. That was how he earned my trust and respect. He even read to his little girls from that podium during his 21 hour stand against the government. I tried to stay standing with him during that day but I was weak and the couch was tempting (click here to view).
He disdains speculation and ignorance, which he showed during the 2016 GOP debate when asked about the Korean missile crisis. Shouldn’t he be applauded for not talking from his posterior? Fast forward to the 2:07 minute mark for that debate moment.
About this time last year, Ted Cruz was on his knees, hand-in-hand with other Christians, praying for National Day of Prayer.
He likes Princess Bride, too?! Inconceivable!
Is he some infallible being, virgin-birthed and never making mistakes, heck no! He has made a few mistakes, the slimy Kasich alliance for one. Please say you washed your hands after shaking Kasich’s, Ted? But so far, he’s not made any mistakes that I found unforgivable and put him on equal-lowly-footing with Trump, Kasich, Hilary, or Bernie.
So no, I am not voting based off of my sex, my age, or my peers. I am not on the Trump train. I’m not stickin’ together with sista’ Clinton. And I ain’t drinkin’ the Bernie Kool-Aid, which is just dyed Ensure, you knuckleheads. 

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