Friday, October 16, 2015

Another liberal fantasy exposed as a failure.

By Rob Janicki

I am writing this commentary from the perspective of 22 years of teaching high school social studies classes in Civic/Economics, U.S. History and World History.  Having counseled countless high school students in career and higher education choices, I quickly came to the conclusion that many high school students simply were not prepared for higher education or even inclined to successfully push themselves to the challenge of attending an institution of higher learning.  I can't remember a colleague ever arguing that my premise was wrong.

That brings us to the point of this commentary.

President Obama, and now Bernie Sanders, have both pushed for a free college education for everyone.  Granted, Obama is essentially pushing for a two year community college education as an extension of a high school education, while Bernie Sanders seems to be speaking toward a free four year degree.  At least that's what they have said in public pronouncements.  Maybe they don't really mean everyone.  Maybe they just mean most, or most, graduating high school students should have the opportunity to pursue a college education at the expense of taxpayers.

And that's the hook for liberals.  Promise free stuff, but don't talk about who is going to pay for that free stuff.  Let the taxpayers foot the bill for people who may not even have the intellectual ability to succeed in college or even a serious interest in pursuing a career path necessitating a college degree.

Here's where that hazy, crazy liberal wet dream for a free college education has gotten America to date.  The graduation rate of colleges has plummeted in the last decade, while the numbers of incoming freshmen have continually grown.  Does anyone see a disconnect here?  

Colleges and universities have become diploma mills for arcane and useless areas of study and  employment welfare programs for college instructors and professors at all levels, who have no useful talents marketable in the arena of private enterprise, beyond their teaching the likes of course work in gender studies, a variety of ethnic studies curriculums leading absolutely no where and a multitude of other useless degree paths leading to unemployable graduates with nothing to show for their efforts, except huge student loan debt.

Ever wonder why the federal workforce is so large?  I can only imagine how many have meaningless degrees completely unrelated to the job function they perform in the various federal agencies that eventually hire these liberal indoctrinated individuals.  No wonder there is a disproportionate number of federal employees who are registered Democrats.  They owe their lives and careers to Democrats just as if they were engaged in indentured servitude to government.

According to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics and the National Center for Education Statistics, there are over six million students with bachelor's degrees right now than jobs available for them. ... this includes proposed jobs created over the next seven years.

Meanwhile these same students are often stuck with repaying student loans in the tens of thousands of dollars with little to no way to do so.  And to make this situation worse, and it does get worse, the incoming students behind these 6 million students are piling up like driftwood on the beaches of financial debt and unemployment.

Read more at Truth Revolt.

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