Saturday, April 2, 2016

A Positive for the Trump Campaign #TheChalkening

by Kim D.

The Trump campaign hasn't had too many positives in the last couple of weeks. Between the War of the Wives and his failed abortion comments, The Donald has taken many hits for his brash, bully tactics and bumbling statements which demonstrate he has not seriously considered many tenants of the party he wants to represent.

In walks "The Chalkening" and those working on the Trump campaign are sighing a bit of relief. Finally. Something not shocking and horrid is being aligned with Donald Trump. Actually, it rather cool.

Special snowflakes attending Emory freaked when they saw a chalked message on a sidewalk: "Trump 2016." They quickly ran to their safe space where they hopped on social media to whine and complain about their triggered feelings. These snowflakes were promptly mocked and rightly so.

In counter-protest, #TheChalkening began trending and is gathering steam:

The best facet of Donald Trump's campaign is that he's taken on the notion of being politically correct and thoroughly smashed it with commonsense Americans who have woken up to the realization that this practice has damaged our youth and our standing on the world stage. Although those on the Never Trump side will tell you he's taken his "un" PC rhetoric too far as he does with most things, Trump gets credit for starting this movement, along with anyone who staunchly supports First Amendment rights.

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