Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Top 11 4chan Pranks #PissForEquality

by Kim D.

The video below shows one opinion of 4chan's top-10 pranks, but this post will include 11 in light of the recent spoof on feminists with #PissForEquality.

A Twitter account named Tanya GRACIE DEWEY, with only 2 followers, claims to be a feminist and blogger, but as 4chan shows us time and time again, it can be dangerous to believe everything you read on the Webbernet.

In a trolling effort of epic proportions, 4chan users thought it might be fun to trick feminists into soiling their pants for what would appear to be a good cause.  As with all of these pranks, sock accounts begin tweeting to random hashtags, hoping one will trend.
It appears that #PissForEquality was the feminist favorite and the 3rd-wave loons were all too happy to post evidence of their solidarity to the cause:

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