Thursday, February 4, 2016

Is God in Today’s Election - Ask Jimmy Kimmel

By Elizabeth Nelson
Everyone remembers Obama professing, “I am a Christian,” before he was elected. However after he was elected, it didn’t take him long to start quoting the Quran with more accuracy than he did the Bible.  

So, why should it surprise anyone that every candidate on the stage is professing to know God?  

The Bible says, “You will know the Christian by their fruit,” and “they will have love, one for another.”  A lemon will now grow oranges and Christians will know each other and will show love one for the other. We're family
Jimmy Kimmel is lucky that we Christians, unlike Muslims, don’t have a problem laughing at ourselves, because he went through a lot of trouble compiling a rather entertaining list of quotes from each of the candidates and spun them as if Jesus himself were running for President. I must admit it is rather entertaining and quite telling, when we actually read the quotes.

Jimmy Kimmel explains that "God is a very important part of this primary election," and that seems to be true, or at least the candidates are using faith as Biblical Bait during this election.

“You don’t lock your doors because you hate people on the outside. You lock the doors because you love the people on the inside.” ~
Marco Rubio, Roman Catholic, Dec. 30, 2015, in Newton, Iowa

“We need appropriate vetting, and I don’t think orphans under 5 are being — you know, you should be admitted into the United States at this point.”~ Chris Christie, Roman Catholic, Nov. 15, 2015, on the Hugh Hewitt Show

Sadly, even ISIS is training their children to kill Americans.  Why is the government asking for stronger background checks to own a gun, but not to get into our country?  It should be the same "FREEDOM", if you have a felony, violent record or a mental disorder you can't get a gun or get into the country. Welcome to America.

"You don't stop bad guys by taking our guns. You stop bad guys by using our guns."~ Ted Cruz, Southern Baptist, Dec. 4, 2015, in Johnston, Iowa

"Look at (Carly Fiorina's) face! Would anyone vote for that?" ~ Donald Trump, Presbyterian, Sept. 9, 2015, article in Rolling Stone

Oh, ask any Trumpet and they would tell you that Trump doesn't say mean things about women at all, right? I read this and think this isn’t Christ-like at all. 

Granted Ephesians 4:29 is one of the hardest scriptures to live out when you don’t like someone, but Trump seems to make a habit of tearing down women with his mouth, instead of building them up.  Well, that is unless they are beautiful, and then he seems to have a Clintonesque habit of hitting on them. Yet he’s never had to “ask for God’s forgiveness for anything he’s done” like “sleeping with other men’s wives.”

"I would bomb the s--- out of them."  ~ Donald Trump, Presbyterian, Nov. 12, 2015, in Fort
Dodge, Iowa

Because profanity, and even Trump's ranting and temper tantrums, are the sign of a strong leader? No, it is the sign of a weak mind trying to project itself forcefully into the conversation and it doesn't know enough intelligent words, so it reverts to the the default juvenile filler words it knows.

“When you get these terrorists, you have to take out their families!”~ Donald Trump, Presbyterian, Dec. 2, 2015, on Fox News
Because that's how you make friends and influence enemies ... it's working for Israel right?
“I’ll take the votes of everyone who likes machine guns and bacon."~ Ted Cruz, Southern Baptist, Aug. 31, 2015, in Milford, N.H.

I will build a wall. It will be a great wall.” Donald Trump, Presbyterian, Dec. 15, 2015, in Las Vegas
Because his Immigration Plan is as stupid as this comment. 
1. Build a wall
2. Enforce the current laws - wait, he means all of Obama's stupid as* laws and all of the broken ones that don't work
3. Oppose the Dreamer act
4. Get rid of the detention centers - hmmmmm why would you need it if you had a wall?
5. Get rid of tuition for illegals
So, no real plan or reform to see here folks, just fluff and b.s. Where's the "lack of vetting" of illegals that he was screaming about months? Where is all the big talk about the "rapists and murderers" that were coming into our country?     
Life has taught me two great lessons over the years: 
People tell you what they think you want to hear and lie with their lips but actions never lie and never invest more into someone than you are willing to lose.  This way, when someone shows you who they are you will believe them, and you won’t be as apt to make excuses for their bad behavior and poor choices.

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