Thursday, February 4, 2016

Hillary – “I’m not in anyone’s pocket [they’re in my pocket]”

By Elizabeth Nelson

Has anyone else noticed that when Hillary starts smirking the next thing out of her mouth is a bold-faced lie? Hillary must be watching the GOP debate focus group ratings. When candidates start bashing Wall Street, the ratings go off the chart. 

Is it any wonder she has started blasting Wall Street, “anybody who knows me, knows, I’m not in the pocket of anyone.”  Or even better, “Wall street should work for Main Street,” because she’s so “main street.” Read more

Oh, but she doth protest too loudly and too much. 

Even Sanders threw the BS flag, at their New Hampshire town hall as he called her contributions and “progressiveness” into question.  
“I do not know any progressives who have a Super PAC and take $15 million dollars from Wall Street. That’s just not progressive,” Sanders said, to applause.  Read more Town Hall


Wall Street owns Hillary’s campaign, “in all, donors from Wall Street and other financial-services firms have given $44.1 million to support Hillary Clinton’s campaigns and allied super PACs, compared with $39.7 million in backing that former president Bill Clinton received from the industry." Why, even George Soros donated 7 Million to her Super Pac last year.  Women understand, no man gives without expecting a return for his investment, ask Mogul Donald Trump, if you don’t believe me.  Read more Washington Post

The pitiful truth is, this leach of a woman doesn’t care where her contributions come from. For instance, remember her unethical Qatar-backers of Hamas, Oman, German, Saudi Arabia, Australian, Canadian (hmm promoters of the XL Pipeline) donations? Benghazi Hillary has more people and countries in her pocket than Bill has women in his pants.  Read More Washington Post

Sadly, this woman has disqualified herself from running for the office of President in more ways than one and yet here we still see her in the running.  Oh, let me count the ways a Republican would have gotten the boot:
  • Unethical foreign contributions

But we all know, the only accountability that is to be held is on the heads of the Republican Party.  No one has been, or will be, held accountable for the IRS targeting, Benghazi or the VA deaths because they aren’t Republican.  Liberals and Democrats, like Hillary, like to play the victim role,

"This is very much like Benghazi, George," Clinton said. "The Republicans will continue to use it. Beat up on me. I understand that.

That's the way they are. But after 11 hours of testimony, answering every single question, in public, which I had requested for months, I think it's pretty clear that they're grasping at straws and this will turn out the same way."

11 hours? I’m sure there were “rapid-fire” questions, about her job being responsible for four dead men, coming from the GOP.  I’m also sure she got a bathroom break, a lunch break and I’m pretty sure she knew she was going to go home that night, to her family, a hot meal and a comfortable bed. It must have been sheer torture **tear** I wonder how that compares to 13 hours, dead bodies, two attacks in Benghazi and your country abandoning you in a Country that hates you and wants you dead?  Cry me and Effing River and sail away, until you have the answer!

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