Thursday, October 8, 2015

A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To Asylum: The Syrian Trojan Horse

By Anton Kaplenko
Anton on Twitter:  @akaplenko 

As the crisis in Syria intensified, the European leaders opened the borders to thousands of refugees. Or so they thought.

After several months of practically unchecked immigration, the citizens of Europe noticed a strange pattern. There were fewer and fewer women and children, and more and more men. People began to ask questions, such as "aren't these guys supposed to be back home, you know, fighting for their country?" and "if they're so desperate, how come they're not applying for asylum in the 1st country they reach, as per EU regulations, why are they demanding to be let in to the countries which offer the best benefits?".

Where are the women and children?  

These concerns were quickly shut down with a staged photo of a child, shown crawling on the ground in front of a blurred line of policemen with riot shields.

Syrian Propaganda Baby

Nevermind that the photo was part of a staged shoot (that kid didn't change the clothes by himself, and he sure as hell didn't make those drawings)...

Syrian Propaganda Baby 2 quickly went viral, as an iconic symbol of "poor oppressed refugees vs evil cops".

The ruse worked. Dissent was pushed back, as the bleeding-heart crowd picked up the #RefugeesWelcome hashtag and shouted down anyone voicing concerns about the unchecked, un-monitored immigration wave.

The dissenters were right to be concerned, however.

Recently, a plethora of images emerged that show an even darker side of the Hijra Immigration. Just as anti-immigration groups warned, Jihadis masquerading as terrorists are sneaking into Europe by the dozen.

  Allaa Hussain - radical Shia Iraqi Militant 
Allaa Hussain - radical Shia Iraqi Militant

Mobder Al-Hussaini 
Mobder Al-Hussaini

Granted, this isn't FBI-level facial recognition & matching, but with several hundred such "militant-to-immigrant" matches already found by amateur sleuths, there's a definite cause for concern.

The European news media is flat-out ignoring this news, despite groups like "EU Militia Watch" (@EU_MilitiaWatch on Twitter) and others, posting dozens if not hundreds of these matched images online - for days on end.

Of course, this is the same European media that flat-out ignored the massive (10,000-20,000 or more people) protests against the Islamization of Europe and against the "open-borders policy" of the European Union, that have broken out in multiple cities across Germany, France, and other Western European nations.

Only after the protests have grown too large and too numerous to be ignored, did a semblance of news coverage emerge.

I can already hear some readers asking, "but we're in the USA! Why should we care about what happens in Europe?"

Well, to start with, even though we're protected by the "Fortress Effect" of major oceans, the Obama Administration is doing everything in its power (and of course, on our dime... but I digress) to import at least 100,000 of these "refugees" to America. That number started at 30,000 and quickly grew to 100,000, by the way... who knows what the final tally will be?

Putting aside the questions of "why are we importing refugees while we have our own homeless people sleeping in the streets?", "why are we still calling them 'refugees' even after official statistics show that 75%-80% of them are men between 18 and 45 years of age, i.e. the demographics of deserters?", and "aren't we weakening the Syrian Army even further by allowing these able-bodied "men" to desert, thus making ISIS' job even easier?" - after this proof that yes, there are plenty of war criminals and Islamic radicals posing as "refugees", how insane do we have to be to intentionally bring known criminals to our land?

Second, most of the Europress outlets share the same owners as many US media outlets. For example. the Bertelsmann Group owns 54 TV channels and 29 radio stations in Europe - as well as Random House Publishing, Parents magazine and National Geographic in the US. News Corporation owns the British Sun and the American Fox News. And so on, and so on.

If they're going to suppress this information in Europe, what makes you think they'll be any more honest or forthcoming in their US coverage? european_media_tycoons
So, this is what we have to look forward to. Among the planned importation of at least 100,000 of these "Refujihadis", statistically, there are bound to be a few "radical elements".

And of course, considering the absolute lack of any controls, vetting, or oversight - practically a hallmark of everything that this administration does, let alone anything immigration-related - there's no way to know for sure.

Fortunately, some Presidential candidates are seeing through this ruse. Donald Trump compared it to the Trojan Horse:
Trump on ISIS Trojan Horse

As the matching photosets showing the clear and present threat in Europe show, the concerns of Mr. Trump and others are, indeed, justified.

European Media Tycoons poster source: Bertelsmann Company Profile:

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