Friday, August 14, 2015

Mike Huckabee super PAC pays Mike Huckabee’s company nearly $30,000

Righting On The Wall Editor Note: We are not suggesting or purporting that Mike Huckabee has done anything illegal/unethical. This article caught our eye and is posted for informational purposes only.

Open Secrets
...The super PAC backing Huckabee, Pursuing America’s Greatness, paid Blue Diamond Travel, LLC nearly $30,000 on May 8, 2015, just three days after the former Arkansas governor announced his second presidential campaign. Huckabee, according to his personal financial disclosure form filed on July 31, currently serves as president and managing member of that company.
Another officer of the travel agency is the super PAC’s treasurer, Bryan Jeffrey, according to Florida corporate records. Huckabee and Jeffrey together direct a collective of companies using the Blue Diamond name: Blue Diamond Media, Blue Diamond Communications, Blue Diamond Horizons and Blue Diamond Travel, all based in Florida.
State-level campaign finance reports show that Blue Diamond Travel acted as Huckabee’s personal travel agency from 2013 until at least August of last year, taking money from political committees as Huckabee stumped and spoke at their events...   READ MORE

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