Sunday, August 9, 2015

Good, Bad, Ugly and the Inexperienced at the First GOP Debate

Because I was late getting home from work, I didn't have an opportunity to watch the first half of the debates, where the stage was shared by the least favorite pole sitters:  former Texas Gov. Rick Perry; former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum; Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal; former HP head Carly Fiorina; South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham; former New York Gov. George Pataki; and former Virginia Gov. Jim Gilmore.

I did catch the second half, the prime time debate, where no real winner was found.  This matchup between the top seeds: magnate Donald Trump, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas, Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky and Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida. which seemed to be more of an exercise in demoralizing political frivolousness.

We all know that Trump isn't going to take this to the end, and take a pay cut.  He's here to be a pot stirrer and thin the herd.  It was obvious by the sparing he did with Rand Paul and even with Megyn Kelly.

Notice that his answer has nothing to do with an admission of him calling women horrible names, which he actually did, but became a slap to the face of all Americans being "politically correct," and a further insult to women by not apologizing.  Sorry, Trump, there's a difference between being "politically correct," and a vomitous, impolite misogynist pig. 

Yet, when no one agrees with him, suddenly he cries, "everyone hates him."  Funny, that doesn't sound like a "Conservative" to me.  Suddenly, Trump is sounding more and more like a liberal in Conservative clothing.

Hold that horse a minute, Dr. Carson. You don't talk about race? Well, some of us don't have long term memory loss like liberals do.  Nor do we re-write history and have the desire to elect yet another, on-the-job-experience President.  Dr. Carson has already proven that he has the propensity to be racially divisive when he exposed his racial divisive bone, the one Obama loves to flex, when he called white liberals racist, “they’re the most racist people there are, because they put you in a little category, a box. You have to think this way. How could you dare come off the plantation?”  When someone shows you who they are, believe them. Read more at Washington Post

Obama shows us that Carson already has the majority of the black vote, because of his skin color, and whites will vote for him out of white guilt.  No one denies that Carson is charismatic, much like Obama and a gaffer like Biden. 

I'll remind everyone of his, "ISIS fighters are much like America's Founding Fathers, willing to die for what they believe in," and who could forget Carson's, "homosexuality is a choice, prison proves that."  Read more at Newsmax

Not only that, but he's against the Second Amendment. So, if we American patriots - like our Founders - stand for our freedom, our Bible, smaller government and our right to bear arms, one day you and I will be recorded in history as terrorists too. If what this man says is accepted as "logical and right."  Not to mention, if he's accepted and voted in as President, and you live in a large city as I do, he also doesn't feel we have the right to own "semi-automatic guns" either.

Glenn Beck: "Semi-Automatic Weapons"

Dr. Ben Carson:
 "It depends on where you live, I'm afraid...I'd rather you not have it."

So, out of those who "displayed the greatest leadership" we have Bush, who stands for Common Core and Amnesty  and Rubio who pushed for amnesty in the Gang of Eight and then flip-flopped and ran from it.  Read more at Hotair

Even Cruz pointed that fact out during the debate, that most of the candidates on the panel before him supported Amnesty with one exception. "A majority of the candidates on this stage have supported amnesty," he said. "I have never supported amnesty, and I led the fight against Chuck Schumer’s gang of eight amnesty legislation in the Senate."  Read more at Politifact

I have a bad feeling, if Hildabeast Clinton is actually elected by the DNC, that this election is going to boil down to:  "GOP please just send us a qualified candidate, due to the fact that we will have to vote for ANYONE BUT Hildabeast.  Our country can't handle 4 more years of Democratic Detroit Leadership and mentality."

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