Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Snake in the Grass Jeb Bush Sheds His "Conservative" Skin & Exposes His Amnesty Rhino Pelt

Speaking in South Carolina Tuesday, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush shed his "conservative" skin and exposed his true rhino colors, as he attempted to defend his pro-Amnesty views.  

He went so far as to say, sounding a lot like Obama, that if people were even considering running in 2016, they needed to “stop preying on people’s fears” and “stop dividing us.” Admitting that no one on either side as admitted that we're going to outright deport illegals, if they should step out from the shadows.

“I have not seen, I don’t know if you’ve seen, a plan that says ‘we’re gonna deport everybody,’” Mr. Bush said at a breakfast event in Greenville Tuesday morning, kicking off a multi-day swing through the state.

Oh no, Bush goes on to step in line with Obama. Let's award the lawbreakers that came over, some just sending their sick children, and cut in line by the thousands.

“The cost of that would be enormous, the time would be enormous, the disruption would be enormous,” he continued. “A better plan would be to say, allow people a path to legalized status. Let them earn legalized status — paying fines, working, not receiving government assistance. Learning English. And over a period of time, you earn legalized status where you come out from the shadows … but you’re not cutting in the line with people that have been patiently waiting to try to come in legally.”

This to me is funny, because it sounds a lot like Obama, yet Bush was "opposed" to Obama's Executive Action.  However, if given half the chance at the White House, Bush would be put in the position of doing the exact same thing, because this Country is against the very thing he and Obama are in favor of.  Listen to his speech, aimed at illegals.

He said Tuesday that another part of an immigration plan entails shared values.

"Shared values?" Which values would those be? The "breaking the law" to enter the country or the "give me free stuff on the taxpayers, that I wouldn't get from the country I just came from" values?

"the History of our heritage you are as American as anybody else...." Maybe someone had better tell Bush that America is a nation of Immigrants that came here legally, in the broad daylight, put their hand up and pledged allegiance to America before a judge, by the letter of the law, like they were supposed to.  

Not illegal aliens that broke the law sneaking over the border and then spent decades leaching off the system in the shadows, and his "you're as American as anybody else" is a slap in the face to every American - natural born and to every person that dedicated the time and money to become an American the legal way.

 Bush went on to admit that he understands that the real Conservatives in his own party are against his views. 

Bush then hinted at potential things to come.

“No final words other than the fact that you probably are gonna be sick and tired of seeing me up here,” he quipped. “I’m excited about the possibilities. I’m learning a lot on this journey and I look forward to being with you in the months to come.”  Read more Washington Times

What's really pathetic here is, Bush, like Obama, are oblivious to the fact that it's not just the GOP that are against "his views on Amnesty" but the majority of Americans are against his views as well.  Is this the kind of President we want in office? One that is so focused on his own agenda, wants and desires that he's tunnel-visioned and can't see, or even care to see, what we the people want?  If only we had a President in our present or history to see how that one would turn out. 

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