Tuesday, June 9, 2015

What Happens When You Use a Reporter's Face as an Ashtray

by Kim D.
When a woman pushing a baby stroller didn't like being the subject of media interest, she lit a cigarette, took a big puff, and then attempted to extinguish it on a reporter's face.  The result? She will now be charged with public nuisance.
Nine reporter, Alex Bernhardt was at the court covering a story on Stevee Jane Kennedy, a 22-year-old who is charged with murder, local media reported.

Bernhardt and several other journalists then attempted to ask the unnamed woman, who was at the court supporting Kennedy, some questions when she stubbed the cigarette in the reporter's face, the Nine Network said.

Prior to the cigarette being pushed in Bernhardt's face, the woman blew smoke at her and a male standing near barked like a dog at the journalists.

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