Wednesday, May 6, 2015

#PamelaGeller Tested Boundaries of Free Speech - Did We Fail?

by Kim D.

We should have expected this. When challenged with the reality of what happens when free speech is practiced, the prevailing view appears to be blame the victim.
When Pamela Geller, organizer and host of the recent Draw Mohammed contest and free speech event held in Garland, Texas, challenged the boundaries of free speech in America, she was virtually lambasted by all political persuasions.

But has anyone stopped to ask . . . where were the protesters at this free speech event in Garland? The event wasn't secret. Breitbart was even promoting and streaming the event live. Doesn't it almost appear as if the Muslim community was warned to stay clear of the event in anticipation of the terrorist attack that occurred? How long did it take the majority of us to realize the hashtag #texasattack was, in reality, claiming credit for what would turn out to be a failed attempt to massacre Pamela Geller and other attendees of this event? Instead of focusing on the attack on free speech, which could have been devastating, most of the chatter has been directed at shaming the speech and speakers/cartoonists.

But how many have considered that Pamela Geller did us a favor? She has shown what happens when someone in America speaks in offense of Mohammed. She has shown that the majority of the mainstream media prefers bowing to Sharia law instead of upholding basic human rights endowed by the Bill of Rights. She has proven that ISIS has a foothold in this country.

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