Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Bae Mosby Might Be in Trouble . . . "Might" That Is . . .

by Kim D.

She was praised for ending the violence of looting and rioting in the city of Baltimore with her harsh condemnation and arrest of the police suspected to be involved in the death of Freddie Gray. As reported by The Washington Post.
Baltimore State’s Attorney Marilyn J. Mosby publicly delivered her stunning, detailed narrative of extensive police misconduct in the latest of several cases nationwide that have fueled anger over heavy-handed law enforcement tactics in low-income communities. Her decision to file charges brought joy and relief to West Baltimore and beyond, at least temporarily. By nightfall, thousands of residents had taken to the streets in peaceful demonstrations.
However, in her rush to file charges, Mrs. Mosby appears to have been rather sloppy with the paperwork. After the arrest, The Baltimore Sun broke the story "Freddie Gray arrest documents drawn up for wrong people." Sloppiness aside, this morning, Jim Hoft at Gateway Pundit shed some light on the possible aftereffect of Mosby's arrest.
Page Croyder, formerly of Baltimore State’s Attorney’s Office, has a critical take on the charges thrown at the six city police officers. According to Page, State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby can herself be charged for an illegal arrest.

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