Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Kid's $2 Bill Sparks Idiocracy

by Kim D.

You simply can't make this stuff up! An eighth grader in Houston tries to pay for her lunch with a $2 bill and she is accused of using phony money and is basically investigated for forgery.  [Insert facepalm or deskpalm here]:

Danesiah Neal, a student at Fort Bend Independent School District’s Christa McAuliffe Middle School, said she was trying to buy some chicken nuggets with the $2 bill her grandmother gave her, but school officials confiscated the bill and said it was fake . . . “I went to the lunch line, and they said my $2 bill was fake,” Danesiah told the news station. “They gave it to the police. Then they sent me to the police office. A police officer said I could be in big trouble.”
The investigation then turned to the grandmother who led officers to the convenience store down the road. After grilling store employees, the super sleuths followed the suspected criminal trail which led to a bank where the bill, issued in 1953, was examined and verified as . . . wait for it . . . a $2 bill. Satisfied that no forgery had been committed, the money was returned to the grandmother:
“He brought me my $2 bill back,” Ms. Joseph told ABC. “He didn’t apologize. He should have, and the school should have because they pulled Danesiah out of lunch, and she didn’t eat lunch that day because they took her money.”
No charges were filed and a kid was humiliated and left to go hungry for the day because we have finally reached that point of idiocracy.

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