Monday, May 2, 2016

Journalist Angers Trump Supporters and Gets Calls from Hitler

by Kim D.
If Trump supporters are any indication of the type of people the Donald administration would surround itself with, we are in a heap of trouble if the reality star nominee should win the Republican nod and by some miracle beat Hillary Clinton in the general election. Nobody likes liberal social justice warriors. Hint - everyone detests the alt-right social justice camp except for the KKK and national fascists.
If you aren't aware of many alt-right Trumpsters, check the Twitter mentions of Julia Ioffe, a journalist who recently published her perception of Melania Trump in GQ Magazine. According to the Guardian,
It appears Trumpkins bypassed the interview process for Ms. Ioffe and are publishing their perception of her ferociously and it ain't pretty:
So what did Julia write? Does Melania secretly have three tits?  What scandal did she reveal? Not much - click here to read the article in its lengthy entirety.  It's not a bad article and many positives are revealed about Mrs. Trump - she's a loving wife and mother. By all appearances, Melanie Trump would make a decent FLOTUS - much better than the current one playing food Nazi to our kids.

The problem - it appears - is that this interview was conducted over the phone and Melania didn't craft her own story, leaving much to the imagination and to the recollections of others from her past who were willing to be chattier:
While Donald often says that Melania would make a stellar First Lady, the former model offers little clue about what a move to the White House would mean for her. She once said she would be “traditional,” like Jackie Kennedy, and on the question of what causes she might support, she has noted she is already involved in “many, many charities.” She elaborated: “Many different charities involving children, involving many different diseases.”
In this respect, she is just like her husband. She’s alluringly opaque. She makes meaningful eye contact and emphatically repeats affirmative, folksy banalities—she “has a thick skin,” she takes things “day by day,” she follows the news “from A to Z”—until the interviewer either is transported into a supra-verbal understanding or decides it’s pointless to press for specifics.  
The portion of the article which reportedly has upset Melania are blind quotes and a not-too flattering story about her father and a half-brother:
Like Donald Trump, Viktor Knavs is not just a hard-charging businessman with a penchant for real estate; he is also viciously litigious when it comes to the women in his life. Back when Viktor was a driver, before he married Melania’s mother, he met a young woman in town named Marija Cigelnjak. They dated for a while, and in September 1964, she told Viktor she was pregnant. According to Cigelnjak’s testimony in a lengthy court record, Viktor offered to marry her, but quickly changed his mind, demanding that she have an abortion. This, Viktor said, was because the child was not his. A son was born in May 1965, and three months later, Marija sued Viktor for child support. Viktor continued to deny paternity—going into detail for the court about when he had sex with Marija and the rhythms of her menstrual cycle—prompting the court to order a blood test. Based on its results, the court determined that Viktor was, in fact, the boy’s biological father. Viktor fought the order to pay child support all the way to Slovenia’s highest appellate court. The courts always ruled in Cigelnjak’s favor. (The court record indicates that Viktor filed his appeal late—and lied brazenly and unconvincingly about the nature of the delay.)
One reckons had Ioffe simply scrubbed the article from any information which might have been perceived as unflattering, all would have been cool. She should have let Matt Drudge edit the piece prior to submission for publication.

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