Thursday, April 21, 2016

Trump Should Quit Bitching About a System He Would Need to Beat Hillary

by Kim D.

This is the new Trump mantra - I have millions more votes than any other Republican running in the primary. Donnie, therefore, claims he is the people's choice, disregarding that percentages in the majority of primaries won so far that show he captures about 38% of the Republican vote. If Trump is not able to earn the required 1237 delegates to outright win the Republican nomination on the first convention vote, he believes he should get the nod anyway because he has a plurality.

This argument is hypocritical and very stupid. For one, in Florida, Trump won less than 50% of the vote, yet he claimed all the delegates. He isn't bitching that he should have only gotten delegates proportional to votes won. The rules are great when they fall in his favor. In addition, looking at the NY primary results, he should quickly backtrack his plurality of votes mantra because if he were to win the Republican primary, the very system he says is rigged and unfair is the exact one he would need to rely on to beat Hillary Clinton.

Yes, Trump won the NY primary with 60% of the popular vote. This appears to be an impressive win until one actually looks at the numbers. Amazingly, Trump didn't win Manhattan - Kasich did. This indicates his neighbors know him best and weighed in on his strength as the front runner. However, the more disturbing number was that Trump only won 525k votes. Kasich won 218k and Cruz 126k. Simple math tells us that approximately 869k registered Republicans came out to vote in the NY primary.

Compare this number to the Democrat primary. Hillary won with 58% of the vote, 1,054,083 to be exact. Bernie had approximately 760k votes.  This simply indicates that the chances are very slim any Republican can win NY state, even though Trump brags he can do it. He can't - nor can he in Illinois where Hillary captured over a million votes while Trump secured only 556k. Expect California to show similar results.

If Trump should be successful in earning enough delegates or winning a contested convention, he would need to rely on the electoral college if he has any hopes of beating Hillary. Just like Bush in his narrow victory over Gore who actually won the popular vote in the 2000 election, Trump would need to hope representative delegates won in the 2016 election would outnumber those earned by Clinton, who definitely has the popular vote on her side. 

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