Monday, April 11, 2016

She wanted to be the ‘fun weekend mom.’ Police say it’s the reason her teenage son is dead.


While Andrew Frye lay dying on the floor of a Super 8 motel room in Akron, Ohio, last week, a party raged around him.

The alleged attendees — themselves high from a mixture of heroin and fentanyl — weren’t other teenagers but the 16-year-old’s mother and grandmother, police say.

Prosecutors say the very people who should have protected the teenager from the dangers of drug use were the ones who walked him to a ledge and “enabled” him to jump.

“We have evidence of drug abuse by more than one person, more than one relative of the deceased,” Summit County Sheriff Steve Barry told the Cleveland Plain Dealer. “It appears his mother, her friend and his grandmother, and a friend of the grandmother, all had a hand in obtaining and disseminating heroin among themselves.

“The evidence in this case turns my stomach,” Barry said...  READ MORE

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