Friday, March 25, 2016

When Did CNN Become More Fair and Balanced than Fox?

by Kim D.

I'll admit it - I've been a Fox News fan for years, but lately it's quite obvious that it is no better than its counterparts in the MSM who are desperately pushing a narrative in order to select the next POTUS for us. Many Fox hosts sing the praises of Trump daily and the channel gives the Donald tons of coverage; however, one of the biggest disappointments has been Sean Hannity, who used to be a strong voice of Conservative values. His rhetoric still promotes conservatism but his actions don't:

If a news source is truly fair and balanced, it shows all sides of an issue and remains neutral. Many of us are sick and tired of pundits telling us what we should believe. America was founded on a strong, independent spirit. Individualism is one of its more prized tenents and our media, even some of the "new" media, is failing to promote this founding value.

If Fox News and Sean Hannity were being truly unbiased , they would give equal voice to all campaigns which have a shot to win in the 2016 election. CNN appears to be moving in this direction which may soon give it the title of the "fair and balanced" network. The video below will be shown in snippets on Fox - CNN aired the entire statement.

In addition, CNN gave Cruz a platform to further explain his position on the recent Twitter battle of the wives. 

Now, before the criticism starts pouring in about how I am not being unbiased in this post, I am not the MSM and this is strictly opinion based on observation. While it is true that I have been a supporter of my Senator since day one, I have written on several occasions in defense of Donald Trump and often wondered if he might be the best to challenge Hillary Clinton, due to name recognition, celebrity status and the ability to capture the low information vote. I'll admit that I chuckled often at Trump's smackdowns of Jeb Bush and was glad that he was destroying the Establishment's #1 choice. 

However, the antics were not so funny once he began painting dishonest pictures of the candidates who were more acceptable to me. My position changed drastically after I started researching Trump's record and reading all of the negatives that are trickling out and will be a steady stream if he becomes the GOP nominee. My distaste for Trump began when he utterly destroyed Ben Carson's campaign, hinting that he had a pathos eerily similar to a pedophile. This recent attack on Heidi Cruz and inability to apologize for his gutter politics solidified my opinion - #NeverASnivelingCoward.

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