Friday, March 25, 2016

The Earl of Ketchup: Let’s Fight #ISIS With A Soap Opera


"They’re not an existential threat to us.” That was President Obama, defending his seeming indifference to the latest ISIS terrorist attack in Europe.

“Groups like (ISIS) can’t destroy us, they can’t defeat us. They don’t produce anything,” he said. (Well, they are producing oil and bombs and fresh new terrorists, but never mind.)

So what should the U.S. do to fight this non-existential threat that doesn’t produce anything?

Let’s put on a show!

It’s almost too ridiculous to believe, but the day after the attacks in Brussels, the State Department posted a $1.5 million grant proposal to develop “a television drama series that addresses the issue of countering violent extremism among young people in contemporary Afghan society.”

The rest of the proposal reads as follows:...  READ MORE

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