Friday, March 25, 2016 - Redirects Are Fun!

by Kim D.
Try it and you will see - click on and it redirects you to Donald Trump's notorious Twitter feed where you will indeed find all the best words and misspellings available on the Internet. According to the Washington Examiner, the prankster is Randy Hahn who claims Twitter user chenx064 was also in on the joke.

Expect Trump and his loyal followers to blame Ted Cruz's campaign in 3, 2, 1. But, according to T. Becket Adams, the Twitter pranksters deserve all of the credit:
The Washington Examiner's media desk located man behind the domain purchase, Randy Hahn, who confirmed in a conversation that he is indeed the person who "grabbed the domain name, and redirected it to Trump's Twitter page."
"Donald Trump has crossed the line many times over the past few months, but his direct attack on Ted Cruz's wife appearance Heidi Cruz, crossed the line. #NeverTrump is more focused than ever, and true conservatives are coalescing around Ted Cruz," he told the Examiner.
Well done, gentlemen . . .  

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