Monday, March 7, 2016

Hillary's Campaign Pays Her A Salary

What is up with Hillary Clinton’s compulsive lining of her own pockets?
It turns out she has her campaign paying her $250,000 a year. It’s not illegal — but most would-be presidents aren’t so venal.
And she truly doesn’t need the cash: Her net worth is $11 million to $52 million.
She’s no longer the cash-poor Arkansas first lady who in 1978 turned a $10,000 investment in cattle futures into a fast $100,000. Nor even the “dead broke” Hillary of 2001.
Not that that lasted long: The same year, she scored $8 million for her autobiography “Living History.” Then Bill landed his own $15 million book deal — followed by (in CNN’s count) $150 million in speaking fees for the power couple these last 15 years...   READ MORE

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