Monday, February 8, 2016

Socialism…Really? Socialism?

By William McRight

As we approach the New Hampshire primary there is a great likelihood that come Wednesday morning the leading vote getter in one of the major parties will be an avowed socialist. A socialist. Are you getting that? As if eight years of living under the toothy grinned jack boot of Barack Obama, a closeted Marxist who is not really closeted, was not quite enough. Perhaps a clear definition is in order.

“Socialism: a way of organizing a society in which major industries are owned and controlled by the government rather than by individual people”

Let that sink in. Last time it was checked, the rugged individuals know as Americans aren’t down with being “owned and controlled.”  After eight years of having our fate, outcomes, results and destiny controlled and micro managed by academic hacks with little or no practical experience outside of a chalk board and blue ribbon panels, something near half of the country is willing to give it another go? One could see that if this ideology was wrapped in glittery paper and soaring oratory meant to confuse and obfuscate. The current front runners on the democrat side are rusty relics wrapped in an old garbage bag. It could also be tolerated if there was a booming economy and a culture that was spreading prosperity far and wide. Now the democrat party is boldly proclaiming that they espouse and endorse a system where power is taken away from the people in the interest of assuaging feelings and providing free stuff.  There is nary a whit of logic involved. We are to accept a system that drives nearly 100 million people from the workforce. We are to accept a system that deemphasizes achievement and excellence and points everyone toward a lukewarm hot tub bubbling over with smelly averageness.

Perhaps the clearest indication as to where the democrat party is headed was their last convention. Many of the party faithful were openly disdainful of including God or mention of said deity in their platform. They also lustily vocalized against recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. With their embracing of the State as their God, the game of footsies with socialists and socialism is a concerning development.  The party’s decidedly not warm and fuzzy leader, Debbie Wasserman Schultz cannot even clearly define a democrat vs a socialist. I fear that is because there is none.

It is quite concerning is that the most conservative democrats have wandered into the Big Tent over on the right where they insidiously chip away at conservatism by “making deals” with the other side. If you are abandoning small government, lower taxes and Constitution focused governance you may as well get out of our tent and go sprint headlong toward the Che Guevara T-shirt stand with the rest of the socialists and closeted communists. We must as Republicans and Conservatives insist that it is time for that nonsense to stop. Now.

It is indeed a time for choosing. If we make the wrong choice, please make sure the directions to Galt’s Gulch get DM’d to those of us that haven’t lost our minds.

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