Tuesday, February 2, 2016

See a good child? Thank a parent.

Deana Chadwell teaches writing at Pacific Bible College in Oregon, where many south of Portland actually open Bibles regularly. At her blog, “A Single Window,” she tries to explain why the world has become so rotten. She blames it on parenting. (Having been neutered early, I’ll plead innocent.)

Her essay is broader; let’s concentrate on this slice.

The percentage of spoiled brats in America grows each generation, and Ms. Chadwell has pinpointed the reason. For some, parental discipline has gone out of style, even in the home. In too many cases, only one parent lives there. (My assistant saw the saddest sight recently: Father and teenage daughter having lunch on a Saturday, both never taking their eyes off their cellphones.)

Another factor NEVER discussed is that even routine discipline of a child in public, if reported by a busybody, might result in said child being seized by the state and put in a foster home. Public masters (once known as public servants) have become more comfortable with such Soviet-style moves, and they never apologize even when shamed on TV.

When you see parents who have raised clear-thinking, respectful and productive human beings, salute their contribution to mankind.

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