Friday, January 15, 2016

Cruz in trouble from insane 'birther', Rep. Alan Grayson (D-FL)?

By Rob Janicki

Okay, that was a teaser.  Grayson, the ambulance chasing attorney and Florida Congressman, wouldn't know a decent, moral, or ethical person if the Pope stood before him.  He's a vulgar, vituperative, knuckle dragging Neanderthal fighting to maintain some semblance of relevance in Florida politics.

Grayson has vowed to file a federal law suit to disqualify Ted Cruz from running for the presidency on the Republican ticket based upon little to nothing new or profound.  Should that fail, Grayson has vowed to file another federal law suit should Cruz win the presidential election on November 8, 2016.  Now, to make it clear to readers, anyone, you, me or Florida's crazy congressman, can file a lawsuit on any subject for the mere price of the filing fee, which usually runs a few hundred dollars and no more.  Having a law suit going beyond the first preliminary hearing is another matter.  

Moving on with Grayson's current manifestation of self induced insanity.

Grayson's latest foray into mental illness stems from his claim that Ted Cruz's mother's name appeared on a Canadian voter list in Alberta, with the implication that she must have been a Canadian citizen in order to appear on this voter list.  Hold on there Lone Ranger!  Cruz's mother had not even been in Canada for the requisite five years to legally appear on any Canadian voter list.  Even if she was legally on the Canadian voter list does not forgo the possibility that she could have dual citizenship without renouncing her American citizenship.

The fact of the matter is that Ted Cruz's mother never became a Canadian citizen according to Canadian citizenship records.  Argument closed, unless you are a delusional attention seeking liberal political hack seeking relevance among the many other mentally disordered liberals with whom you seek acceptance.

Meanwhile, Ted Cruz has challenged Donald Trump 'birtherism' flip flop.  It wasn't too many months ago that Trump said his attorneys had said there was nothing wrong with Cruz's citizenship that would prevent Cruz from legally running for the presidency.

Fast forward to Cruz rising in the Iowa polls to take a consequential lead over Trump. Trump then  immediately flip flopped to attack Cruz's legal citizenship, while citing Lawrence Tribe, uber liberal professor of law at Harvard Law School and supporter of and adviser to Hillary Clinton in 2008.  It should be remembered that Tribe was one of Al Gore's lawyers in the 2000 election law suit that saw the SCOTUS ruling in favor of George W. Bush, which should tell readers a little something about Lawrence Tribe's off the cuff legal opinions that may have been given to Donald Trump in recent days. 

Somehow, I don't think Ted Cruz is really worried about the likes of Alan Grayson in the greater scope of the current Republican presidential primary.

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