Wednesday, December 23, 2015

If Seattle can't Ban Guns, They'll Tax Your Guns and Ammo

By Elizabeth Nelson

They do say, where there's a will there's a way, don't they.  Obama couldn't ban our guns, so he sent his Administration on an ammo buying spree, and made it tougher to buy certain types of ammo.  I guess that's the mindset of Seattle, Washington.  Make it tougher for law abiding gun owners to buy guns.  They can't ban the guns, so they'll tax each gun and bullet, under the guise of "gun violence research."

The Seattle City Council unanimously approved a "gun violence tax" on sellers of firearms and ammunition in August, directing proceeds toward violence prevention programs and research beginning in January 2016.  


If they are adding this "tax" under the pretense that it's "cover the rising cost of gunshot victims," maybe we should create a "stupid driver tax", to cover all the people hurt by drunk drivers, people who text and drive, evil people like Lakeisha Nicole Holloway who used her car as a weapon, in Vegas, and people who don't have car insurance.  Oh wait, it's the law to have car insurance and people are breaking the law? Say it isn't so.

I enjoyed, "we need more research into gun violence", because we don't already understand we have a mental health problem and evil, sick people kill innocent people?  This takes further studying.  I thought it was amusing that the second half of the legislation "requires gun owners to report cases of lost or a stolen gun to police," because that's already the law and law-abiding gun owners already do this.  It's just common-sense, even if it weren't the law.

So, let me get this straight.  Taxing law-abiding gun owners, standing on their Second Amendment Right is a "legitimate way" for Washington State to "raise revenue to research and prevent gun violence."  

This sounds like a Government funded project to me, especially when Planned Parenthood gets money from the Government to sell aborted baby parts on the black market and Produce and Promote instructional videos teaching our children about Bondage and Sadomasochism.  To think, Obama and his liberals call this "healthcare."

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