Monday, December 14, 2015

Cecil’s pals are eating well

Humans sometimes don’t act in their best interests. Such was the case in Botswana two years ago, when hunting of big game was banned. Animal rights activists were ecstatic. The lions and elephants celebrated in their own way.

Writes Norimitsu Onishi of The New York Times:

Who could have seen that coming? Uh, the villagers who sold guide services to hunters, mainly wealthy Americans, some of whom practice dentistry. That money is gone, and it didn’t take my cousins the big cats much time to figure out time-tested conservation practices had been abandoned in the “Wild Kingdom” (sponsored by Mutual of Omaha, “the people who pay.”)

Mr. Onishi again:

Zambia’s minister of tourism, Jean Kapata, has a message for the outraged Cecil the Lion crowd:

And a parting shot:

A reincarnation of the original “Wild Kingdom” still runs on my favorite channel, Animal Planet. The host of the original series, Marlin Perkins, passed away in 1986 at 81.

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