Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Barsik the Cat for Mayor? Purrfect!

by Kim D.
But why? Pretty much the same old story. What happens when a majority of citizens don't trust elected officials? They say "F" it, smoke the nip, and nominate a cat. Or, at least that's what they do in Barnaul, Siberia.

As reported by Amy Willis, writing for the

Barsik the cat is winning an unofficial poll for the position of mayor of Barnaul on a popular regional social media page. The 18-month-old feline clawed in 91 per cent of the 5,400 votes cast in the poll on Altai Online, a page for Russian social media network Vk. One resident, pensioner Yevgeny Kuznetsov, said: ‘People don’t know who to trust any more. They have come to the conclusion that they can’t trust the authorities.’
I guess the only question to ponder now would be how, exactly, would cats rule? According to Bored Bug, one could argue that one day cats will rule the world. Click here to view the 32 proofs that back this theory.

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