Friday, October 16, 2015

Preparation B: Bernie Sanders is a hemorrhoid by definition

You know, at this point, I’m almost tempted to wish that Sanders wins. Maybe then these morons will actually learn what Socialism is REALLY like. It’s impossible to undo 60+ years of progressive education with anything less than a swift kick in the teeth.
You want to “make the rich pay their ‘fair share'”? Sure. Let’s just tax them at 90%+ and seize assets. Just don’t bitch when they leave and won’t create more wealth. Remember, THEY have other countries they can go to. YOURmobility is pretty much done for.
You want to “silence our enemies”? Those “enemies” being anyone who disagrees with the government’s insane policies? You got it. Complete control of the press. Just don’t bitch when YOUR opinion is suppressed, and you’re sent to a “re-education camp” for 10 years for telling a joke.
You want to “stop talking about the Emails”? Sure. Just don’t act all shocked when those in power commit progressively more terrible crimes, because YOU, yes YOU, Sanders voter, have given them permission to commit acts of treason and hand-wave them away.
You want nationalized healthcare? You got it. All hospitals are now run by the state. With the same efficiency as the DMV, and the same compassion as the IRS. Just remember, when you’re told that you don’t “need” that CT scan and you’re dying of cancer, YOU voted for this, YOU set up a system that gives absolutely zero fucks about you as an individual. You’re a percent sign on an actuarial table, and you’re not worth the cost of treatment.
You’ve voted for being a number on a piece of paper. You’ve voted to abrogate your OWN Constitutional rights. You’ve voted to give the government control over every aspect of your life, because Socialism simply cannot function otherwise.
Welcome to Statism. Where the individual means nothing, and the State means everything. Welcome, Sanders voter. Enjoy your stay.
And if you think I’m exaggerating about any of these… keep in mind that just because you haven’t read history books, doesn’t mean such things didn’t happen already. In real countries, to real people, over the course of very real years and decades.
But, look on the bright side, there’ll be free parking for all the unicorns.

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