Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Why #TedCruz May Just Be the Smartest GOP Contender on the Debate Stage

by Kim D.
I have a prediction for who won't be the first to throw a punch at Donald Trump . . . Senator Ted Cruz. Perhaps I'm a teeny bit biased being that Ted Cruz is my state Senator, and I proudly voted to send him to Washington to speak for constituents like me who oppose the idiotic things Obama and the Republican leadership have done to this country. However, I still believe he will be the smartest GOP contender on the CNN debate stage tonight.

Right now Donald Trump, love him or hate him, is the hottest ticket of the GOP political field. He dominates the airwaves and has mastered the art of social media. He really doesn't need to pay for any of the tremendous exposure he is getting on a daily basis, and he is capturing a large chunk of the conservative vote according to all the relevant polling data so far.

Senator Cruz sees this and has embraced the Trump celebrity. When he wanted to draw a huge crowd and media attention to the Stop the Iran Deal rally, Cruz made sure Trump was a featured speaker. So, instead of participating in social media slap fights with the GOP frontrunner to get attention, Cruz is focused on the task at hand which right now appears to be speaking out against the Bad Iran Deal.
While other candidates are challenging Trump to simply get their voice and message heard, Cruz has taken the path less traveled and the results have him sitting at the top of the pack claiming the #4 seat for tonight's debate.  Cruz may not be loud or rude to his fellow candidates, but expect him to speak forcefully when given the opportunity and to engage on questions for which he has sound policy ideas.

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