Friday, September 18, 2015

One Muslim Teen's Homemade Clock Highlights a Larger Problem

by Kim D.

When my little brother first relocated from Boston to Texas three years ago, he moved to Los Colinas, an upscale section of Irving, which is seemingly pleasant and quieter than the bustling metropolis of Dallas. Back then neither my brother nor I knew that he had moved to an area of Texas with a bustling Muslim population intent on living under Sharia law, not federal or state law. In fact the mayor of Irving, Beth Van Duyne, has been fighting against the implementation of Sharia in her town for quite awhile now. Just this past March her city council passed a bill which prohibited foreign law being practiced in  Irving, TX courts, a ruling that enraged Irving's Muslim population and increased tension in a community heavily divided over the issue of Sharia law.

Knowing this back story, is it no wonder that the social justice warriors are screaming over the fact that the son of leading voice within Irving's Muslim community would be seriously questioned when bringing some homemade crap he claims was a clock to school? Looking much more like a bomb than a clock, why on earth would the teen bring it to school? No one has claimed this was assigned work. Was he looking for extra credit?

A cursory examination of the released picture of the clock would lead just about anyone to question exactly what in the world the teen had created, leading to further question why on earth he would bring it to school, especially when considering that this is the same school system that freaks if a student gnaws a poptart into the shape of a gun. After all, the public school's policy of zero tolerance applies to anything that can be considered a potential weapon or an incitement for violence. 

Handcuffing a Muslim teen will always provide fodder to those on the side of political correctness who love to start hashtags for social justice (see #StandWithAhmed). But all this controversy does is highlight the larger elephant in the room. If a country is founded on the principles of one religion, can people worshiping a diametrically opposed religion move in to said country and assimilate? The answer to this question seems to be trending towards "no" with every instance of conflict arising between the Christian and Muslim faith, which, no doubt, Barrack Obama is well aware of as he flaunts his overwhelming support for one religion over the other. These days, all the offers of accommodation and tolerance appear to be given in preference over the Muslim religion - those of the Christian persuasion are out of luck. In other words, did Obama stand up for any student innocently drawing or gnawing gun shapes and praise them for artistic expression?
Of course not . . . he would simply write off these students as those unfortunate to be born to parents who cling to their guns and Bibles.

Or what about the North Texas teen who recently was reprimanded and received in-school suspension for wearing an American flag t-shirt? Did the President tweet to praise his patriotic spirit and invite him to the White House?
Ultimately this Muslim teen and his questionable clock are victim to politically correct policy forced on our children to make their lives just a little bit more miserable. Either we use common sense accommodations for all Americans, no matter the religion they practice, or we stubbornly cling to the bizarre, zero-tolerance policies that ultimately target and punish actions intolerant liberals find to be politically incorrect.

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