Monday, September 21, 2015

Kudos to the Dad Who Gave His Own Special Dose of #CommonCore Nonsense

by Kim D.

Since the inception and gross introduction of Common Core standards into our children's classroom, parents have been understandably frustrated, much like Ohio dad, Doug Herrmann.
Supporters, present and past, including flip-floppers like Mike Huckabee, have steadfastly claimed that Common Core offers rigorous standards; however, parents are quickly realizing that this new definition of "rigorous" means simply "more complicated."

It's not enough that children know that 11-5=6. They must "show" their knowledge by demonstrating the concept different ways visually. In order for parents to engage and participate in their children's learning experience, they need a Common Core translation manual. 

Perhaps that's why Herrmann decided to give the school a dose of its own ridiculousness when it comes to figuring out "more complicated math." He simply wrote a check to the school using common core lingo. On his Facebook page, he jokes about his check going viral and claims he never actually sent the check to school, further stating: "I was just making a "funny" with the check. You want my real thoughts on Common Core...if you "have" to teach it, keep it in the classroom. Homework should be; reading, writing, science, gym (I'm really good at gym) and art (I suck at art) but I can't help my kids with Common Core. KEEP IT IN THE CLASSROOM, you won't piss so many parents off!"

Like most parents opposed to Common Core standards, I'm still fist pumping about his brilliant way to show the ultimate "fail" our school systems are trying to thrust upon students. However, I don't agree that the ridiculous math should be kept at school so parents will be oblivious to what is being taught. Until we have a new administration willing to dump these standards, parents should buy that translation manual and help children cope with the frustration now known as math class.

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