Monday, September 14, 2015

Hey FLOTUS, I Can Confirm - Your School Lunch Sucks!

by Kim D.

Today my son's school celebrated Grandparent's Day by asking family to join the kids at lunch. All of my son's grandparents live in South Carolina, so it was pretty important that I go so he would have someone to give his Happy Grandparent's Day card.

I, of course, forgot the special lunch was today until an hour before, meaning I didn't plan well and bring my lunch to school. I was pretty envious at the majority of grandparents and parents toting their Chick-fil-A bags. Unfortunately, my only option was to eat the school lunch.

Today's menu was chicken rings, fries, fruit, and a salad.  On the positive side, it was edible but the chicken was way overcooked and the fries were cold.  The best part of the lunch was the prepackaged apple slices and salad, even though the ranch dressing tasted rather odd.

So far my son is happy with his peanut butter sandwich and vege straws so I don't believe he will be willing to try the school meal anytime soon other than the chocolate milk and ice cream options.  I did successfully get him to try a bit of chicken ring, to which he scrunched his nose and said, "Mom, I don't like that." Yeah, me neither. Way to go FLOTUS; your school lunch still sucks.

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