Wednesday, August 12, 2015

University of Wisconsin Caught Buying Aborted Baby Body Parts for Research

Life News
After shocking videos released by the Center for Medical Progress showed Planned Parenthood selling aborted babies and the body parts of aborted babies, now a new report shows the University of Wisconsin is caught up in the controversy. The university purchased body parts from babies killed in abortions at Planned Parenthood.
The videos, in part, showed Planned Parenthood abortion business officials discussing their negotiations with a businesses called Advanced Bioscience Resources that purchases aborted babies’ body parts for experimentation. Universities then purchase the body parts of aborted babies from Stem Express to use in research. Those relationships are now the subject of a Congressional investigation as to whether Planned Parenthood or the biotech firms are violating federal law.

Now a new investigation reveals a top researcher at the University of Wisconsin – Madison has repeatedly obtained aborted baby body parts from Stem Express that were sold to it by Planned Parenthood after it killed those babies in abortions...   READ MORE

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