Tuesday, August 4, 2015

The Iran nuclear agreement and the threat it poses for instability throughout the world.

By Rob Janicki
Americans are beginning to seriously realize that the U.S./Iran nuclear deal will only bring about greater instability in the world.  Witness the latest polling from Quinnipiac.

American voters oppose 57 - 28 percent, with only lukewarm support from Democrats and overwhelming opposition for Republicans and independent voters, the nuclear pact negotiated with Iran, according to a Quinnipiac University national poll released today.

Voters say 58 - 30 percent the nuclear pact will make the world less safe, the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe-ack) University Poll finds.

Opposing the Iran deal are Republicans 86 - 3 percent and independent voters 55 - 29 percent, while Democrats support it 52 - 32 percent. There is little gender gap as men oppose the deal 59 - 30 percent and women oppose it 56 - 27 percent.

Ronald Reagan's thought of "Peace through superior firepower" should be the watch word of everyone seeking peace.  A well armed United States is not a detriment to peace.  On the contrary, it is a deterrent to the military ambitions of terrorists, rogue nations and the burgeoning military ambitions of Russia and China extending beyond their current spheres of influence.

The Soviet Empire fell apart trying to catch up to the United States military readiness deployed around world.  China squelched any expansionist tendencies during the height of the military might of the United States.  Terrorists in the Middle East were held in check with the fear of U.S. military might until they figured out that the self imposed rules of military engagement by U.S. forces could be used against U.S. forces.

The only time U.S. forces have been beaten or successfully pushed back is when U.S. civilian leadership did not have the balls to face the forces of evil straight up.  The forces of evil, be it terrorists or communist dictatorships, view America's withdrawal from the active leadership role of the free world, as weakness to be exploited.  Since Obama's demonstrated leadership from behind in Libya, Syria and once again in Iraq and Afghanistan, our allies no longer trust the U.S. to be there for them in their time of need.  Our enemies no longer respect us as they see a failure of will to confront them militarily with overwhelming force.

Ever since the concept of "proportional response" has entered into military and political thinking, America has been viewed as a crumbling giant that can be exploited at the margins, with the ultimate goal of wearing down the giant of the free world through attrition of its will to fight marginal aggression.  Our enemies are willing to sacrifice direct conflict with the United States as they wear down our will to fight with the wounds of a thousand cuts, rather than direct military confrontation. 

The nuclear agreement with Iran has all the hallmarks of a capitulation to an Iran bound and determined to gain nuclear weapons capability to destroy Israel and threaten the United States with a form of international political blackmail, the same such blackmail Iran will use against its regional neighbors in the Middle East.  The United States took the very same lax attitude toward North Korea, a nation far less robust and capable of waging regional war, that resoled in North Korea acquiring nuclear weapons to blackmail its neighbors.

It's this same misguided liberal progressive politicalization of America's foreign policy that has weakened the leading nation of the free world and opened the door for evil to raise its ugly head on the world stage.  The nuclear agreement reached with Iran is the same type of beginning ground work that lead to World War II when the Europeans, lead by British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain, capitulated to the demands of dictator Adolph Hitler for just a little more territory.

Entering a nuclear agreement with Iran will only embolden Iran, it will enrich Iran and Iranian bank assets, previously frozen, will be released for Iran's unconditional use.  Iran has never abided by any international agreement it has entered into since the 1979 Iranian revolution that brought the Mullahs and Ayatollahs into power and the creation of an Islamic Republic theocracy.

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