Monday, August 17, 2015

#PlannedParenthood - The tyranny of Big Government in action.

By Rob Janicki
Planned Parenthood claims that they are an organization that is
absolutely necessary to women's reproductive health.  They portray it
as if Planned Parenthood didn't exist, women's health would plummet to
the depths of back alley depravity or some such scenario of Planned
Parenthood's world of make believe.

There isn't one service that Planned Parenthood provides that isn't
available through community clinics or through Obamacare insurance or
private employer health insurance plans.

So, exactly what does Planned Parenthood provide that the multitude of
these community health care providers don't cover and provide?  The
answer is abortion services on demand for females of virtually any
age, with minors essentially exempt from any parental notice or
approval.  Why does Planned Parenthood feel it necessary to prevent
parental notification and approval?  Because it would have serious
repercussions on its business of abortions and the selling of human
fetus baby parts for profit.

Planned Parenthood claims that they are necessary to the prevention of
breast cancer in women, yet Planned Parenthood does NOT provide
mammograms.  Instead, they refer women to local clinics and doctors
for those services.

If Planned Parenthood closed their doors tomorrow, women would still
have access to these important diagnostic services?  The answer is

Planned Parenthood is disingenuous at the very least and dishonest,
unethical and immoral at worst and I haven't even gotten to their
practice of selling human fetus baby parts for profit to virtually any
business that claims to be doing medical research through the use of
fetus specimens.  When harvesting of human body parts of the fetus
occurs for profit, with or without the consent of the woman involved,
it becomes a business and thus illegal under law.

Planned Parenthood receives almost $500 million dollars a year in
federal funds.  Why?  Why do taxpayers have to pay for these services
that are often available through other community health service
providers and covered by various funding sources from Medicaid to
public/private health insurance providers.  A large majority of
Americans, over 60% according to continuing polling, are opposed to
abortion.  And yet these same taxpayers are being forced to contribute
to a medial practice that they are opposed to on moral, ethical or
religious grounds.

If government can force taxpayers to fund abortions against their
will, government can force taxpayers to buy a product that they may
not need or even want.  Oh, wait!  Government is already at this
point.  It's called Obamacare, the Affordable Care Act that is proving
to be anything but affordable and useful to the wants and needs of a
majority of Americans.

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