Sunday, August 16, 2015

Let's Play "Whose Rights Trump Whose" : Gay VS Muslim

by Kim D.

Recently in Sweden they played a little game of "whose rights trump whose" when a politically right leaning group organized a gay pride parade through heavily populated areas of Stockholm. Once the politically liberal left learned of the event, they took to Facebook to publicly denounce the organizers and the parade as intentionally provocative and racist.

What left many people scratching their heads was the fact that major LBGTQ groups were against the parade, claiming the organizer was using the issue of gay pride to intentionally provoke Muslims. Perhaps this claim is true and the right-centered Swedish nationalists were picking on the Muslim faith which would be horrible. 

Why would they want to do such a despicable thing? It's not like the Muslim faith has an age-old history of picking on those who practice homosexuality, right? It's not like Muslims have a nasty habit of throwing gays off of buildings or hanging them in the public square to deter a homosexual lifestyle. Oh wait . . . 

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