Saturday, August 15, 2015

Is Ann Coulter romancing The Donald?

By Rob Janicki
Is Ann Coulter auditioning to become the next Mrs. Trump?  It would seem so from her huge crush on The Donald as evidenced by her repeated defense of The Donald in the media.  First it was Chris Christie a couple of years ago.  Now it's Donald Trump.  We get it Ann.  You like assertive males.  But do you have to choose someone that has a narcissistic personality disorder and someone who has one mission in life and that is to promote himself, The Donald, above all other considerations?  Do you really believe that Trump has altruistic motives for wanting to be president?  If history tells us anything about Donald Trump, it's that everything he has ever done has been for the benefit of .... wait for it .... Donald Trump.  Why should voters believe that Trump's motives are any different in his pursuit to become president?

What happened to those conservative principles you so righteously have espoused in the past?  Exactly what substance do you see in The Donald?  He has assiduously avoided any serious detailed policy positions on any subject of concern to Americans.  He shoots from the hip and has shot himself in the foot numerous times.  He ain't no Quick Draw McGraw and that's for sure.

All Trump is doing is appealing to the base emotions of Americans and their fear, anger, frustration and confusion.  Not much substance there, but it makes for great populist rhetoric and the theater of the absurd.  Frankly, I have heard more substantial political debate and argumentation in biker bars in southern California.

And exactly how does Trump expect to achieve all these pseudo goals and objectives to square away what he sees as a broken political system?  We already have an authoritarian president that rules by Executive Order and in the process runs roughshod over the Constitution and the rule of law, knowing that it will take forever to overturn his unlawful acts through judicial decisions in various federal courts.  

How would Trump be any different than Obama and do you really think that the Republican establishment would roll over and play dead for Trump, acquiescing in every demand that Trump would have to place on the Republican Congress to enact his pipe dreams?  Get real Ann.  If McConnell and Boehner can roll over the Tea Party, they will most assuredly roll over a Trump presidency and they will have some very  powerful allies in the Democrats across the aisle in Congress.

Do you really think Trump can get Mexico to pay for a wall along out southern border?  Does Trump not realize that such actions do have consequences?  Has he even considered some of those consequences?  Cutting off annual foreign aid to Mexico will result in reactions by Mexico that I seriously doubt that Trump has even considered.  That would actually require some thought, consideration and analysis, three elements of political leadership that Trump does not appear to have taken into consideration.

The first thing Mexico would do in retaliation to a reduction in foreign aid would be to charter every bus and train to take the poorest of Mexicans to their northern border with the U.S. and then help them traverse the border into America.  It would serve two economic ends for Mexico.

Here are a couple of things for The Donald to consider in forcing Mexico to pay the bill for a border wall.

First, It would relieve Mexico of an impoverished and permanent underclass of people that are a drag on the cost of social services for Mexico and thus a substantial cost to the Mexican economy.

Second, Mexico's economy would receive a direct economic boost as these illegal immigrants into America would send Americans dollars back to their relatives in Mexico, thus boosting the Mexican economy with the influx of these "remittances" of American dollars into the Mexican economy.  Mexican immigrants have been sending home these "remittances" for decades that are in the billions of dollars.

Mexico is America's second largest source of imported oil.  It's cheaper for America because the transportation costs are less.  Would Mexico shutdown the oil pipelines that deliver oil to Southern California refineries?  What if Mexico decided to sell their oil to other users in the hemisphere?  Would America then buy oil from our southern neighbor, the dictatorship of Venezuela?  Not a good prospect for America.

What about agricultural products from Mexico?  Since California liberals have devastated America's produce suppliers in the San Joaquin Valley, America's fruit and has been forced to import fruits and vegetables from Mexico and to a lesser degree other countries in our hemisphere. 

Has Trump even considered some of these many consequences of his "off the cuff" comments of what he would do to Mexico should Mexico refuse to pay for a wall on its northern border?  I'm thinking not.  That would require thought and understanding of Mexico and its ruling politicians.  Trump has already stated that the Mexican government is smarter than our government.  I'm thinking they will remain smarter than Donald Trump and his hair brained schemes.

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