Friday, August 14, 2015

Hillary's political demise? Will it happen? I believe the only question is when?

By Rob Janicki

Expect between now and the Democratic National Convention or, at the latest, the immediate lead up to the November 2016 election, that there will appear from unknown sources, a large data dump, or a continuing series of data dumps on Hillary Clinton's classified emails clearly indicating that she used her private email server for government business in violation of federal law.

It's going to happen.  Intelligence officers now are convinced that foreign sources, most likely China and Russia, hacked into Hillary's private email server used during her tenure as Secretary of State and obtained highly classified intelligence information complete with satellite surveillance photos. If these two countries could hack Hillary's email server, imagine what other kinds of hackers may have done the same thing.  Hillary has to be worried that these email may well become public.

If Hillary's credibility and electability haven't quite been destroyed yet by all her scandalous behaviors, these revelations will do it.  If such data dumps occur during the height of the primary process, Democrats will have the opportunity to put up an unscathed and somewhat more electable candidate then a seriously damaged Hillary.  If leaks occur after the Democratic National Convention, which may well  nominate Hillary,although that has become highly problematical of late, there will be no turning back for Democrats and most likely a defeat for them at the polls on November 8, 2016.

Hillary's nomination is no longer the given it was earlier this year.  Her participation in multiple scandals is just now coming into clearer focus and it's not a pretty sight.  The issue of Benghazi and Hillary's role in that disastrous response that saw four Americans murdered and over two dozen Americans or State Department employees wounded at the U.S. Consular Office at Benghazi, Libya, on September 11, 2012, will simply be another nail in her political coffin to be buried in the annals of political history.

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