Friday, August 7, 2015

Bernie Sanders, nuttier than a Christmas fruit cake and just as crappy, claims conservative Koch brothers favor "open borders".

By Rob Janicki
In an unbelievable interview recently, Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, formerly a registered Independent and now a newly minted Democrat, (because he could not run in the Vermont Democratic Presidential Primary of his home state as an Independent) actually claimed the conservative/libertarian Koch brothers have proposed and pushed for an open borders immigration policy.  Nothing could be farther from the truth.  

Sanders is setting up a false straw man argument to make a claim that it's  Republicans that want open borders for cheap labor.  The Koch brothers have supported legislation that would create a pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants, because they know illegal immigrants will never be expelled en masse from America.  It is simply politically unpalatable and virtually impossible to accomplish on a practical basis.

Of course Sanders claim is absolute nonsense, but it does expose Sanders for either his egregious ignorance or his absolute craven prevarication to advance a ludicrous argument for his political advantage.  Republicans have been clamoring for a secure border, expanding and actually enforcing e-verify law and welfare reform, especially in regard to illegal aliens.

Sanders has, for years, proclaimed himself to be a European style socialist.  No one forced him to make these multiple pubic pronouncements.  In a phrase, Sanders believes government is the solution and anyone standing in the way of government is essentially a subversive and an enemy of the state.  There doesn't seem to be any federal legislation that regulates and attempts to crush individual behavior in favor of government rule, that Sanders has not supported. 

Sanders is all about expanding the power of the state, while claiming to support liberty and freedom for individuals.  Increasing the power of the state is incompatible with expanding individual liberty and freedom.  Socialism is all about the state and individuals subordinating their individual rights, liberties and freedoms to the power of the state.

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