Thursday, August 13, 2015

Apoplexy about to run rampant among enviro-Nazis. NOAA: USA July Temps Below Normal For 3rd Year in a Row

By Rob Janicki

This is not going to sit well with the Climatistas, but rest assured that they will put a spin on this revelation with a twist to point to man made warming through the process of global cooling.  

Does that sound convoluted and crazy?  It is.  But, that's just the way liberal progressives try to spin their pet project of taxing mankind into poverty with carbon offset taxes.  

It's these carbon offset taxes that only benefit liberal progressive politicians looking to spend other people's money to support their corrupt crony capitalist friends.  In a quid pro quo turnabout, It's these corrupt crony capitalists that will, in turn, contribute to those same liberal progressive politician's campaign funds.  It's what we commonly call a circle jerk, which I am certain readers will understand and appreciate.

Now to the action.

According to the NOAA , Maximum temperatures in the USA were -0.77F colder than the 1901-2000 average.

1936 was ranked 121 (121 is hottest) and was 4.93F hotter than 2015.

2015 was only ranked 34.

This one month window of lower than normal average temperatures in the past three July's across the United States is just one instance in a pause in warming.  What is even more important is that we also have maintained an even more important pause in global temperatures.

'For 223 months, since January 1997, there has been no global warming at all. This month’s RSS (Remote Sensing Systems) temperature shows the Pause setting a new record at 18 years 7 months.' 

Climatologists have been telling the world that we are approaching a mini-iceage that is expected to last from 2020 through 2030 caused by solar activity cessation.  This is about to destroy the narrative of liberal progressives, as they continue to call opponents "science deniers" in the face of climate science to the contrary of their propaganda.

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