Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Another landmark of the Obama administration. 49 straight months of over 45 million Americans on food stamps.

By Rob Janicki
Like the rest of the failed Obama economic recovery, food stamps (actually the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program or SNAP) have become a sustained way of life for more Americans than ever before.

Food stamp recipients have exceeded 45 million Americans for 49 straight months.  Never since 1969, when this data was first collected, has there been such a high sustained level of Americans living off of food stamps.

Couple the above fact with the fact that under the Obama administration the workforce participation rate has had the longest sustained below average level since the late 1960's and the early 1970's.  The workforce participation rate is actually the best indicator of employment or the lack of employment than any other data collection.  It determines what percentage of people eligible to work are actually engaged in work, full time or part time.  This last statement leads to another entire discussion of America's workforce turning into a part time workforce.  

Under the Obama administration we have seen a decline of the middle class caused, in great part by the economic disincentives of Obamacare.  Employers are penalized for full time employees because they must provide greater healthcare.  Thus employers are staffing with more part time employees and less full time employees to escape this penalty.  More unintended consequences from liberals that have brought America to its economic knees by the Obama administration and their liberal progressive cohorts in Congress.

Meanwhile, the total number of people working today is lower than it has been in decades despite the Obama published fiction of a 5.3 percent unemployment rate.  This percentage is due to the fact that more people have given up looking for work of any kind, thus confirmed by the sustained lower rate of work force participation.

The Obama administration has developed a culture of dependence upon government for more people than ever before.  It's consistent with liberal progressives and their drive to develop a greater voting base for Democrats among those in poverty.  Feed them the crumbs from the government table and they become indentured servants of government in exchange for their Democratic votes.  It creates a virtual permanent underclass of Americans, which makes it difficult to break the economic chains that bind these people to government.

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