Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Where's the coalition?

By Rob Janicki

Another act of incompetence of the Obama administration?

ISIS, after capturing Ramadi, the provincial capital of Anbar Province
in western Iraq, decided to hold a celebration with a substantial
military parade for the propaganda value, not to mention the
recruiting incentive this gives them.  Of course the parade convoy
included numerous American military vehicles and equipment captured
from the ineffectual Iraqi Army since the Obama administration pulled
out all American forces at the end of 2011.  Obama used the lame
excuse that the Iraqis, under Prime Minister Nouri al Malaki, a tool
of Iran would not negotiate an acceptable Status of Forces agreement
that Obama could agree to.

The truth of the matter is that Obama never intended to leave any
American forces in Iraq under any circumstances.  It was a purely
political decision by Obama to fulfill his promise to the radical
liberal progressive wing of the Democrat Party to pull out of Iraq and
end the war there by simply declaring victory and moving out.  Now the
allied forces, lined up against the Islamist terrorists of ISIS, will
pay a heavy price that did not need to have been paid, except for
Barack Obama's feckless and incompetent leadership

Obama is solely to blame for the disaster we are seeing in Iraq today.
And, if that's not enough of an insult, the Obama administration now
is continuing to put out the farcical response that the fall of Ramadi
is not really all that consequential, since the allied coalition will
begin its military response sometime this summer.  Since Obama refuses
to put combat troops into Iraq, exactly who does he think will lead
the battle on the ground with ISIS?  It certainly won't be the
ineffectual Iraqi Army and it won't be any other Muslim country that
will take the lead.  They aren't prepared for such a campaign.  Our
European allies won't take the lead either, which then begs the
question of who, exactly, will take the lead in the fight to destroy
ISIS?  If not the U.S, who?

Meanwhile, ISIS uses their victories to recruit volunteers from around
the world and so far they have proven to be quite good at recruiting
from their successes on the various battlefields of the Middle East.

All of this begs the question of where the coalition air forces were
during this time of public demonstration by ISIS.  It would have been
a perfect mission for the A10 Warthog, which is meant for close combat
support and devastating strikes against enemy ground troops such as
ISIS, which was foolish enough to present their forces in public for
victory propaganda purposes.

Lest we forget, it's the Obama administration which has decided to
mothball the most effective air weapons system in the U.S. air weapons
inventory, the A 10, which is perfect in its role fighting terrorists,
since it has the largest array of weapons for all situations.  Just
another act of incompetence by Obama and his principle military
lackey, General Martin Dempsey, Chairman of the Joints Chiefs of

In six years Obama has decimated the U.S. military of some of the
finest non political officers, in favor of military officers
politically aligned with Obama.  We now have a military that is
unprepared for the role of fighting terrorists on their turf and
instead have a military leadership that will fight only when pressed
up against the wall and then they will try to respond with technology
applied from a distance.  So far this strategy has failed miserably in
Iraq and Syria.  Where was all this vaunted air technology when ISIS
was strutting their stuff in plain sight for all to see, including
allied intelligence sources with countless drones flying over the
Ramadi area?

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