Wednesday, May 20, 2015

The 2016 Republican Bench

by Kim D.

In 2008, the presidential nomination went to Senator John McCain because, well, it was his turn. In 2012, the strategy was to stay in the mushy middle and nominate former Governor Mitt Romney because he would have a strong economic turnaround message. However, in 2016 the issues plaguing this great nation are so numerous, not one candidate has emerged as a real front runner, no matter how much Karl Rove wants to shove former Governor Jeb Bush down Republicans' throats. The 2016 presidential Republican bench is rather deep. 

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Some names we know and some we don't, but so far 15 candidates have declared they are running for the Republican party's 2016 presidential nomination:  Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, Ben Carson, Carly Fiorina, Mike Huckabee, Skip Andrews, Kerry Bowers, Dale Christensen, John Dummett, Jr., Mark Everson, Chris Hill, Michael Kinlaw, Michael Petyo, and Brian Russell. 10 more candidates are in the exploratory phase: Jeb Bush, Chris Christie, Lindsey Graham, Bobby Jindal, Dennis Michael Lynch, George Pataki, Rick Perry, Rick Santorum, Donald Trump, and Scott Walker, Finally, the lists ends with five more potential candidates: Bob Ehrlich, Jim Gilmore, John Kasich, Peter King, and Rick Snyder.

At this point, polls are rather meaningless but Real Clear Politics lists the top five Republican hopefuls as Bush, Walker, Rubio, Paul, and Huckabee.

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