Thursday, May 21, 2015

Ted Cruz Flipping the Narrative - Is the Left Sex Obsessed?

by Kim D.

I dare anyone to deny that sex issues aren't at the forefront of all Progressive, domestic issues. In fact, in a war of identity politics, sex beats black lives matter 3 to 1. The leftist war on women, the push for legitimizing gay marriage, and the focus on America as a "rape culture" dominate over the faulty premise that black lives matter (i.e. all lives matter).

But this week, Texas Senator and Republican 2016 presidential hopeful, Ted Cruz, flipped the narrative, once again showing how good logic and facts grounded in reality matter, especially from those who are seeking to occupy the Oval Office. As reported by Talking Points Memo
Cruz railed against "mandatory same-sex marriage" and criticized a reporter for asking about his views on gay marriage, according to the Texas Tribune.
"With respect, I would suggest not drawing your questions from MSNBC," he said to a reporter. "They have very few viewers and they are a radical and extreme partisan outlet."

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