Thursday, May 14, 2015

Nancy Pelosi goes delusional once again.

By Rob Janicki

Wednesday found Nancy Pelosi up against a rock and a hard place with Obamacare continuing to hemorrhage billions of dollars with little in return as more state exchanges are shutting down, throwing people into the federal health insurance exchange for coverage..

WASHINGTON (AP) — House Democratic leader Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) predicted Wednesday that Republicans will “rue the day” if the Supreme Court buys their arguments and invalidates tax subsidies for millions of people under President Barack Obama’s health care law.

According to Rasmussen's latest May polling on Obamacare, 37% support government forcing individuals to buy health care insurance, while 52% oppose government mandated health insurance.

I'm not certain where Pelosi comes up with the idea that a Supreme Court decision to declare tax subsidies invalid for millions of Americans will automatically result in a Democratic presidential electoral victory on November 8, 2016.

It will definitely put pressure on Republicans to come up with an alternative legislative remedy, which Republicans have, as yet, to do.  The Republicans will have to walk a tight rope to come up with a feasible alternative to Obamacare subsidies that will not upset Republican voters and those Independent voters that are already opposed to Obamacare and mandated purchasing of health care insurance.  It will take statesmanship to come up with a plan that will satisfy both the Obama administration to sign off on a Republican plan and those voters opposed to Obamacare, who will accept a Republican plan that Obama would sign into law.  The real question is whether the Republicans are up to this challenge, should the circumstances require a Republican alternative to Obamacare subsidies.  There is no simple remedy when politics are involved. 

The Supreme Court ruling is expected shortly before the end of the current term ending in June.

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