Saturday, May 16, 2015

Is Obama's foreign policy on the brink of total collapse? It looks that way when considering just the chaos in the Middle East.

By Rob Janicki

Tom Rogan at National Review gives us a review of Obama's many failures in the Middle East.

The Middle East is in meltdown. 

The Syrian civil war is unrestrained. Tens of thousands have died. 

Saudi Arabia and Turkey are considering direct intervention. 

Syria’s mayhem threatens to spill into Lebanon, and in Beirut, Iran and Hezbollah wage terrorism against their political opponents. 

Jordan is overwhelmed by a refugee crisis of staggering proportions. 

Iraq teeters on the brink of collapse. Its government remains divided and weak. Unsupported by America, the Sunni tribes are wedged between the jackboot of Iran and the horrors of ISIS. 

Yemen is a Mad Max battleground between Saudi Arabia and Iranian-supported Houthi rebels (and nationalists, separatists, and al-Qaeda). ‘We can’t sit back and be nowhere as Iran is allowed to retain much of its capability and amass its research.’ 

How did the Middle East get to this point?  Well, I believe it began when Obama fumbled badly in 2011, with his failure to negotiate from a position of power, a "status of forces" agreement with the weak and ineffectual Nouri al-Maliki and his Shiite administration.  

Obama wanted out of Iraq so badly to satisfy his radical liberal progressive supporters, he was willing to sell Iraq's future to the terrorists, just to get out of Iraq, lock, stock and barrel, which is exactly what resulted by the end of 2011.  The world is now reaping the whirlwind of such short sighted, feckless, and incompetent leadership from Obama.

Right now, Obama is hoping that his negotiations with Iran over their nuclear weapons development will divert attention from the many developing disasters throughout the Middle East and Eastern Europe.  Obama is simply hoping to run out the clock of his term of office and leave the mess for others to clean up.  

That's Obama's history.  Come, f*** things up, then leave the mess for others to clean up.  That's his method of operation and is completely consistent with his incompetence.  Considering all the liberals who touted Obama as the smartest president ever, you have to wonder how many of these same liberals can actually continue to make excuses for the worst president since Jimmy Carter.

Read Tom Rogan's comprehensive analysis of the looming disaster in the Middle East and Obama's delusional belief in a rapprochement with Iran.  Obama is essentially trying to make a deal with the devil and rational people already know where that will lead and it's not a pretty outcome.

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