Monday, May 18, 2015

Hillary Clinton, champion for the middle class? Really?

By Rob Janicki

Hillary Clinton, in one of her major presidential campaign planks, has proclaimed herself to be the "champion of the middle class".

One has to wonder how Hillary could even come up with that laugher, since she and husband/philanderer Bill are more than just multimillionaires, since they occupy the top niche of the 1% Hillary so often condemns in her many political pronouncements.

It's being reported that the Clinton's have raked in $25 million dollars in speaking fees over the past 16 months with an additional $5 million dollars coming as royalties and the advance on Hillary's book, "Hard Choices".  It's even more laughable when Bill tells the press that the "bills have to be paid", referring to the Clinton's expenses.  Compare that statement with the huge income and accumulation of wealth since their leaving the White House in 2001 and know that this statement and othesr like it will come back to haunt Hillary's 2016 presidential campaign.
Not a bad 16 months for the Clintons, considering Hillary claimed that she and Monica Lewinsky's boyfriend were stone cold broke when they left the White House in January 2001.

There's no telling how much the Clintons have also raked in from their supposed charitable foundation, since something less than 15% of the foundation revenue has found its way into charitable giving, while "administrative costs" have been astronomical and have included huge amounts for transportation, travel accommodations and hosting dinners and events for their very wealthy foreign and domestic foundation sponsors, contributors and donors.  How much of these "expenses" have found their way into the Clintons concealed cash chest are anyone's guess, but I'm thinking it would surprise even some of the Clintons closest supporters, if trey knew how much the Clintons have skimmed from their charitable "foundation".

All these facts will certainly come to mitigate Hillary's claim that she is the "champion of the middle class", since Hillary hasn't had any middle class experiences in the past three decades or so.

If there is one thing Americans look to in a political candidate, it has to be authenticity and how that characteristic relates to their everyday lives.  Since Hillary is authentically rich by any standard, it becomes difficult to see how she can relate to and claim to be the champion of the middle class.  Hillary's great wealth will surely mitigate against her claim to understand the wants, needs and dreams of the middle class and will bring into serious question her very own authenticity as a real champion of the middle class.

Watch for this campaign approach to blow up in Hillary's face as opposition research comes to the surface to expose the real Hillary as a wealthy political elitist and opportunist running for the presidency to satisfy her own sociopathic drive for power and control over the same group she purports to champion.

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