Saturday, May 9, 2015

Associated Press Race Baiting Headline O' The Morning

Here is the blurb...

White deputy shoots black S.C. homeowner

If you click on the link the actual AP article appears to have nothing to do with the attention grabbing blurb...

Man shot by white SC deputy says he should have dropped gun

Long story short:
A homeowner who happens to be black called the police because two men who happen to be black and armed with guns were trying to break into his house. The homeowner who happens to be black also armed himself with a gun as is his legal and God given right. The police responded and an officer who happens to be white came upon homeowner who happens to be black and ordered him to drop his gun. The homeowner who happens to be black did NOT drop the gun and the officer who happens to be white shot him.

BUT apparently the AP believes the REAL story is,  "White deputy shoots black S.C. homeowner." Period.

Here is an ABC news clip that provides some context and clarity to this story

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