Wednesday, May 13, 2015

#AmtrakCrash Because Lack of Funding?

by Kim D.
Last night, a tragic Amtrak train derailment left seven dead and hundreds injured.
The train left Washington on Tuesday with 238 passengers and five crew members aboard, heading for New York. But it never made it, derailing around 9:30 that night in the Port Richmond neighborhood of Philadelphia.
With the smoke barely cleared and without a chance to determine how this tragedy occurred, lefties have taken to Twitter and have it all figured out. Despite a huge stimulus passed in 2009 to improve infrastructure, the left is not letting a good crisis go to waste - let's blame Republican budget cuts!
Now that some more information about the crash comes trickling in, perhaps we should wait for a full investigation to determine if lack of funds or excessive speed was responsible. 100 miles per hour in a 50 mile speed zone could be the culprit.

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