Monday, April 6, 2015

Rolling Stoned?

By Rob Janicki

Ethically challenged and possibly brain damaged, the editorial staff of Rolling Stone lamely apologized to to its readers and sycophant followers, while failing to mention the Phi Kappa Psi fraternity at the University of Virginia for previously slandering the members of the fraternity in a charge of a group rape in the fraternity house.

Without one shred of verifiable and substantiated evidence, Drooling and Stoned, a liberal journalistic rag, aka Rolling Stone, earlier did the journalistic equivalent of a lynching of a group of young men by one female reporter and a staff of editors and fact checkers that simply failed to live up to the collective minimum standards of journalistic integrity and professionalism.  

[...] Sabrina Erdely, the author of "A Rape on Campus"—which has now been officially retracted by Rolling Stone after being torn apart by a journalistic review by the Columbia School of Journalism—issued an apology Sunday. One group she somehow failed to mention in her apology: UVA's Phi Kappa Psi, the fraternity her false article defamed. [...]

Erdely's apology response only gets better upon closer scrutiny, if you are into self-serving narcissism.

[...] In her apology, Erderly emphasizes her own suffering and good intentions, stressing her "compassion," "concern," and trust in the “rape victim,” which she clearly wants the reader to believe is the real reason things went wrong, rather than her attempt from the start to break a big story and perform some serious journalistic activism. She apologizes first to Rolling Stone readers and her colleagues before vaguely mentioning the "U.V.A. community" and potential victims of sexual assault, but glaringly fails to mention the falsely accused fraternity: [...]

Unlike Rolling Stone, the Columbia University School of Journalism hasn't lost its journalistic integrity and professionalism.

[...] After thorough review of Erderly's "A Rape on Campus," the Columbia School of Journalism concluded that the retracted piece is an example of fully "avoidable" systemic "journalistic failure" that "encompassed reporting, editing, editorial supervision and fact-checking": [...]

It's now being reported that the Phi Kappa Psi fraternity is in pursuit of a legal remedy for the slanderous reporting that placed their members in disrepute disgrace within the university community and beyond.  Expect Rolling Stone to be served with a civil suit for defamation in the libelous publication of false and malicious information that failed to meet any journalistic responsibility for making even cursory investigation into the facts of the published article.

For a complete review of this shameful reporting by Rolling Stone follow the link to Truth Revolt here

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